Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Book to Movie Comparison

The Beowulf legend has endured for centuries, having been retold time and time again. Dating back to the 8th century, this epic heroic poem employs many features that have long appealed to countless storytellers, authors, graphic novelists, and filmmakers. In Robert Zemeckis’s film Beowulf, modern technology allows a centuries-old story to be retold in a vivid, dynamic way. Still, in this day and age, it would be nearly impossible to translate a literal translation of the poem to the screen without making certain changes. Zemeckis’s film is no different. Some of these changes are obvious, while others remain curious diversions from the text.Whatever the case, each new retelling of Beowulf says as much about the time when it was created as it does about the narrative aspects that have survived throughout the centuries. Zemeckis, who has done similar experiments with computer-generated storytelling in his film The Polar Express, apparently believes that Beowulf is ripe fo r a contemporary facelift. While the actors and action are all animated, the technology is not the only thing that is advanced. The story has been updated as well, keeping some aspects intact while completely rewriting others.The film retains the complex family lineages and historical contexts that root the poem in reality. It also keeps most of the main characters (Beowulf, King Hrothgar, Grendel, Grendel’s mother) but explains their motivations in ways the poem did not. One of the major differences between the film and the original poem is the treatment of Grendel and Grendel’s mother; when Beowulf kills Grendel, the monster is reduced to a sniveling, frightened child. It is also worth noting that Beowulf fights Grendel in the nude, which is not described in the poem.The comparisons between Grendel and the Biblical Cain are completely thrown out as well, making Grendel more of a misunderstood Frankenstein’s monster than a true monster, ugly inside and out. The fifty-year gap between Beowulf visiting Grendel’s mother’s cave is also depicted in the film, whereas it is only alluded to in the poem. This allows the filmmakers to expand the poem into a feature-length film, in order to â€Å"fill in the gaps† with what they imagined occurred. This calls into question if Beowulf, who tells his story in the poem, is actually telling the truth.His relationship with Grendel’s mother is far different than in the story, wherein she is simply slain. Grendel’s mother is drawn as a strangely beautiful woman (Angelina Jolie) who seduces Beowulf. This change, like the others, is played for entertainment purposes. Like Beowulf’s physique, Grendel’s mother is his equal in physical form and advertising value. The film also makes a curious addition in that Hrothgar is the father of Grendel and Beowulf is the father of the dragon, which make sense in a Hollywood sort of way, but do not add anything new or powerf ul back to the original poem.These additions are simply to give characters more motivation, though it is difficult to say whether they gain any new depth. Most mentions of God and allusions to Biblical characters have been stripped away, despite the kingdom of Beowulf becoming Christian. It is as though Zemeckis has tried to make Beowulf as â€Å"un-literary† as possible. He has turned an epic poem into a comic book adventure. In many ways, the poem almost becomes secondary to the spectacle. Zemeckis desperately wants to render the world of Beowulf into one that fans of Lord of the Rings can identify with.The becomes more a springboard for special effects. The poem’s narrative is stretched so thin that it is impossible not to add to the original story, though the changes never add anything that matters. The story is sometimes as hollow and empty as the animated characters; it is all superficial. Beowulf never celebrates the poem as being truly great and proves that fil ms can never been grander than their source material. Works Cited Beowulf. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Perf. Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie. Paramount, 2007. Heaney, Seamus. Beowulf: A New Verse Translation. New York : W. W. Norton & Co. , 2001.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Failure Of Socialization Essay

Socialization is the process through which one learns his or her culture and how to live within it. Failure in socialization therefore means that one does not learn his or her culture and ultimately how to live within it. This is a source of problems of all nature and scope. Socialization imparts an individual with moral norms, motives, values, attitudes, language, symbols, and social roles. These are crucial aspects to any individual’s life and they represent all key fields that guide one’s entire life. The failure of a convenient and effective socialization process could therefore lead to a whole host of problems and complications to the subject in question. Socialization agents are responsible for an individual’s self concept, emotions, behavior, and attitudes. (Chinoy 1961) There are equally important agents responsible for socialization or failure of socialization of an individual. These agents include the family, education, peer groups, the media, religion, work place and the state. The family is arguably the most important agent of socialization and is usually responsible in determining one’s career goals and religion. Failure of socialization at the family level could have the most severe effects to an individual and the course of his life. (Clausen 1968) Failure of Socialization Fetus socialization Recent study has suggested that the socialization process starts at the womb as opposed to earlier when socialization was thought to begin when a child is conceived. This therefore means that failure of socialization (if it occurs) starts at the mother’s womb. Doctors earlier believed that the process that a fertilized egg follows until it becomes a baby had a definite genetic path. This however has been proved not to be true. Doctors now believe that fetal development is a complicated affair between the genes of the baby and the information relayed to it by the mother. The mother transmits signals to the fetus and the fetus chooses one path over another. This multiplicity of choices leads to long time changes to the baby’s body organs as well as to the level of brain sensitivity. (Warren 2009) Although this kind of research is at its earlier stages, there is substantial evidence to prove that indeed the interactions of the fetus within the first nine months have major effects on life after birth. A baby’s days in the womb and the nature of his experiences influences his emotional and physical make up for the rest of his years. For instance, if the mother is stressed and anxious during her pregnancy maybe because of financial constraints or a troubled marriage, the stress hormone cortisol may reach the baby (fetus). The fetus develops fewer brain receptors to sense cortisol presence because it does not need many. Having fewer receptors does however change an individual’s ability to cope in life at a later stage. When hormone cortisol reaches a certain point in the bloodstream, the system ceases producing the hormone and everything returns to normal. The problem is that, people with fewer receptors do not sense the right time to stop hormone cortisol production. High levels of the hormone in the body create a wear and tear in the body. It also makes it difficult for a person to handle strong emotions without withdrawing or lashing out. The inability to handle strong emotions may result to the person getting depressed or much stressed. In a study that targeted women in England, those who had high levels of anxiety during pregnancy gave birth to children with twice the rate of behavioral and emotional problems at the age of ten. (Chamberlain 2009) Robert Harris, a convicted murderer executed in the State of California gas chambers, was born almost three months early when his father kicked his mother brutally in the abdomen. Harris would be subjected through many other violent experiences by his parents, violence he later on turned on innocent people. When Harris was twenty five years old, he shot dead two teenagers, laughed at them as he calmly ate some hamburgers they had bought for lunch. Recent research has suggested that criminals have poorly functioning brains. Research has also suggested that there is substantial evidence to justify labeling violent and criminal behavior as a disorder resulting from impairment of the prefrontal area as well as other dysfunctions and brain injuries. For instance, a study conducted on juveniles on death row found a consistent pattern of paranoid misconception, neurological impairment, and low intelligence quotient among these juveniles. These brain based origins of violence start when the child is still in the womb of his mother. Having an impaired brain means that one would have a more difficulty life, more frustration, and little self control. This gives rise to misery, violent and criminal behavior and even death. (Chamberlain 2009) Attachment Attachment is the reciprocal process through which emotional connection is developed between an infant and a caregiver. It is a binding psychological and emotional tie that an individual forms and that lasts over a period of time. Infants develop attachment to their main care givers especially mothers, fathers, day care workers, grandparents, and other siblings. Reciprocal socialization is a bidirectional socialization process. For instance, children interact with their parent and their parents give them feedback. A mother-infant interaction is at times symbolized as a dialogue in which subsequent actions of the both parties are closely coordinated. The mother and the infant can match each other’s actions, as in when they both engage in mutual smiles. The parent also serves to support a child’s efforts therefore allowing the child to be more skillful. This is all part of the attachment process. According to attachment theorists, attachment is necessary if a child is to have a normal social and emotional development. A secure relationship with adult caregivers is necessary for the survival and healthy development of a child. Attachment influences an infant’s physical, psychological and cognitive development. It is also the basis for a child’s development of either trust or mistrust. Attachment is imperative to a child’s development because it shapes how a child learns, relates to the world, forms, and maintains relationship throughout his entire life. It is necessary for infants to stay near familiar people because this brings safety advantages to their early adaptation environment. Secure attachment takes place when an infant experiences constant care and gets emotional essentials from a caregiver. When the process of attachment is disrupted, the infant may fail to develop a secure base needed for a healthy survival and development. Factors which impair or harm a healthy or a secure attachment include;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Multiple caretakers.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hospitalization.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Painful medical processes.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Inadequate prenatal care.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Prenatal drug and alcohol abuse.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Neurological problems. (Moss 2008) Poor attachment causes the child to have inner feelings of insecurity, intense anger, and self hate. Below are some common causes of attachment problems: Sudden separation of the infant from the main caregiver either through removal, death, illness etc. Abuse (physical, emotional or sexual) by an adult. Infant pain or medical condition that a caregiver cannot alleviate. A depressed caregiver. Inadequate or inconsistent attention and care. Neglect. Separation is a physical as well as an emotional experience for an infant and can take place either before birth or after birth. Separation is usually accompanied by violence from the child. The connection between a baby and the mother during gestation is total and holistic. Attachment demands that a child be constantly and consistently taken care of by one person. A baby has his own mechanism of knowing whether he is taken care of or is being rejected and neglected. (Johnson 1961) In a study conducted in Sweden, Finland, and Czechoslovakia for more than thirty years, mothers were denied abortion and compelled to give birth and raise their children. As the children grew older, they demonstrated a greater risk for not only social but also psychiatric problems compared to stable subjects. Majority of those unwanted children turned out to be delinquents and had a three times higher chance of being in the criminal register.   Research has shown that children who never had a consistent close relationship with anyone (attachment) lack conscience even when they grow up. They have a probability of becoming psychopathic killers because they have no affectionate emotions. Because of going through an early life unattached, they lack empathy, guilt, and trust and can even kill without caring. Psychologist Andrew Feldmar observed four teenagers who were repeatedly trying to commit suicide at the same time each year. When he did research on those four cases, he realized that their mothers had attempted abortion at the same time of the year that those adolescents were attempting suicide. (Carlie 2002) Any traumatic separation of the infant from the mother or the primary caregiver due to illness, injury, or any other traumatic cause follows the child throughout his life until it is dealt with in the proper manner. Until this traumatic separation is confronted and dealt with, there is a possibility of detrimental psychosis to occur which will impact the person negatively. Such detrimental impact can be manifested in several ways such as troubled relationships, and trouble with authority in general. Individuals who lack proper socialization during attachment have a higher risk of finding themselves in prisons. (Moss 2008) Children who have experienced problematic attachment exhibit some observable behaviors. These behaviors include; When children with problematic attachment develop into adulthood, they become unable to engage in reciprocal relationships. They feign charm and are superficially engaging. They also show indiscriminate affection to strangers unintentionally. They rarely have direct eye contact with whomever they are communicating with. They are poor in forming lasting peer relationships and have a low esteem. They can be very demanding at times. Children who have experienced problematic attachment have poor cause and effect thinking. They have a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is difficult for them to learn from mistakes. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They experience learning problems. c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They have poor control of impulses. They have an emotionally disturbed development. For instance they; a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Have abnormal speech patterns b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Have abnormal eating behavior. (Moss 2008) They have puerile fear, anxiety, aggression, and rage. Their conscience develops poorly. They may become chronic liars, thieves, and generally cruel to other people for no reason. They may become destructive to themselves as well as others without caring much about their actions and behavior. They may also destroy property maliciously. A negative attachment cycle. The child is likely to have difficulties fitting in the family because; a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He engages in negative behavior that cannot escape the parents’ and siblings’ notice. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Due to the nature, extent, and consistency of negative behavior the parents are constantly engaged in quarrels with the child hence aggravating the situation. c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The distance and the connection between the parent and the child is severed There is a direct correlation between the effects of failure of socialization in attachment and antisocial personality disorder. Failure of socialization during attachment not only causes relationship failure throughout a person’s life but also produces criminals. (Moss 2008) Anti-social personality disorder Antisocial personality disorder is a persistent pattern of disregard and violation of other people’s rights that begin in early years (childhood or adolescence) and continues into adulthood. For a person to be categorized as having this condition, he must have attained the age of eighteen and must have a history of conduct disorder. Individuals with this type of condition are sometimes labeled as psychopaths or sociopaths. This condition is characterized with general lack of conscience and a weak capability to control aggressive urges and defer gratification. It does not necessarily lead to criminal and violent behavior in itself but rather individuals with this condition are more prone to violent and criminal behavior. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder differ in their control abilities and general desires. Some researchers though indicate that these labels are not synonymous with the antisocial personality disorder. As indicated earlier, the socialization process is responsible for imparting an individual with moral norms, motives, values, attitudes, language, symbols, and social roles.

Monday, July 29, 2019

HIV video summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HIV video summary - Assignment Example The first video proffered details of AIDS from the outbreak to epidemic. It discussed that AIDS was first reported June 5, 1981, when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded a cluster of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (now still classified as PCP but known to be caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii) in five homosexual men in Los Angeles. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is defined as a set of symptoms and infections resulting from the damage to the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). More details on early epidemic signs, AIDS timeline, rapid AIDS virus test, global statistics, and question and answer portions were all presented. The mechanisms, from its inception to the life cycle of the virus were discussed. With the alarming number of people affected with AIDS, a specialized drug was developed to contain the syndrome. This is known as antiretroviral medications. â€Å"Antiretroviral drugs inhibit the reproduction of retroviruses-viruses composed of RNA rather than DNA. The best known of this group is HIV, human immunodeficiency virus, the causative agent of AIDS. Antiretroviral agents are virustatic agents which block steps in the replication of the virus. The drugs are not curative; however continued use of drugs, particularly in multi-drug regimens, significantly slows disease progression.† The enormity of people who had been diagnosed of AIDS/HIV in developing countries needs more than primary health care to address this illness. According to the video, the most appropriate care needed by patients diagnosed with AIDS/HIV is palliative care. By addressing the patients’ physical, emotional, mental, social, physiological aspects, health care practitioners could finally admit that appropriate treatment was indeed delivered. The lectures presented were very informative and useful as an authoritative

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Evaluation of Web Accessibility for the Visual Disabled Essay

Evaluation of Web Accessibility for the Visual Disabled - Essay Example This essay discusses that the human-computer interaction based evaluation technique is the most useful way for the assessment of usability for the system inspection regarding system design and working. However, the heuristic evaluation and human-computer interaction are performed as a systematic inspection of a newly developed system that is intended to offer the user a better support and easy to use interface during working. Furthermore, human-computer Interaction evaluation encompasses a small set of usability analysis parameters that are used to weigh up the system working capabilities and user interface related aspects (Dix et al., 1998; Marchionini & Sibert, 1991). This research and analysis based report is about the human-computer interaction based analysis for the accessibility issues for the web system in case of visual disabilities. The main intention of human-computer interaction based evaluation in this research is to find out the system related accessibility issues in the system design for people having visual disabilities. Maeda (2004) stated that in last few years, huge sets of World Wide Web accessibility and usability guiding principle have been produced. Frequently these rules meet. For instance, when we view a picture in HTML, we are able to as well identify substitute text for that picture. This makes the website further supportive for all viewers for the reason that a number of them cannot be able to see graphical descriptions in their web browser. In addition, the design of websites develops a profusion of usability confronts. Also, the websites are extremely multifaceted, holding hyperlinked credentials, complex direction-finding scheme, and community information areas. This report has presented a detailed analysis of a software tool by applying the Jakob Nielsen's heuristics evaluation module for the people having visual disabilities. In this report, I have analyzed the ACE-Project for the usability analysis in case of system usage by disabled people. In this analysis, I have found that ACE-Project offers excellent functionalities and working capabilities for normal people however in case of visually disabled people this web-based system does not offer help. In this scenario, I have recommended some of features and facilities for the disabled people. These additional features are helpful redesigning the system to support a large number of disabled people who desire to use this system.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

John F. Kennedy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

John F. Kennedy - Research Paper Example Kennedy. Patrick Joseph Kennedy was an impressively successful banker and a leading figure in Boston’s liquor trade. John E. Fitzgerald was a politician and served thrice as a U.S. congressman in Massachusetts and later provided his loyal services as Boston’s mayor. John F. Kennedy’s parents were Joseph Patrick Kennedy and Rose Elizabeth Kennedy who were the offspring’s of Patrick Joseph Kennedy and John E. Fitzgerald. Despite being extremely wealthy, JFK did not enjoy an ideal childhood because he had Addison’s disease. John F. Kennedy was second of nine children born to Joseph and Elizabeth and he inherited his father’s political ambitions after Joe Kennedy Jr. was killed in World War II. (Dallek 2011). The Kennedy family moved to Riverdale, New York in the year 1926. JFK attended Riverdale Country Day School and at the age of thirteen went off to attend Canterbury School in New Milford, Connecticut. Initially, Jack was perceived as an unli kely candidate for public office due to his lack of desire to handle public affairs. Jack won the election as a U.S. congressional representative from Boston in 1946. However, Jack was soon bored with the monotonous routine of the office coupled with his inability to make a big mark in the affairs. (Dallek 2011). The Kennedy family moved to Riverdale, New York in the year 1926. JFK attended Riverdale Country Day School and at the age of thirteen went off to attend Canterbury School in New Milford, Connecticut. Joseph Kennedy was appointed U.S. ambassador to Great Britain while, Jack was still in college. The Great Depression of 1930s did not affect the Kennedy’s because of Joseph’s exceptional bussiness skills. Jack graduated from Harvard in the year 1940 as a young charismatic man with devastatingly handsome looks. In 1940, Jack published a book based on a paper he had written in Harvard, the book titled â€Å"Why England Slept† was an instant bestseller and br ought fame and attention to JFK. (Raatma 2002).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Critical Appraisal Of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Articles Essay

Critical Appraisal Of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Articles - Essay Example The article titled â€Å"Analyzing Qualitative interview data. Addressing issues of reliability and validity† presented by   J.V. Appleton deals with the aspects that must be taken into consideration while conducting a qualitative research study to ensure the reliability and validity of the data (Appleton, 1995). In contrast, Shuster and Shannon (1994) in their article titled   â€Å"Differential Prehospital Benefit from Paramedic Care† present the aspects affecting the efficacy of quantitative research methods. Both article authors have based their findings on the results of actual studies they have personally carried out in order to assess the relative efficacy of either method. The two articles present a valuable insight into the process of conducting research and the means that may be employed to ensure that data obtained are as valid and reliable as possible. Both these studies were conducted using health professionals as the source of the data. J.V. Appleton (1995) is a healthcare visitor/worker and the aim and objective of her research effort were to identify a set of criteria to identify and determine which families could be considered â€Å"vulnerable† from the point of view of child protection. The method chosen for her research study was a qualitative approach based on a two-fold process – the administration of questionnaires as well as follow up interviews. The reason for the choice of a qualitative approach lay in the fact that this was an exploratory study designed to elicit the perspective of healthcare workers. Therefore the quality of the data was dependent upon the richness and quality of the responses that needed to be obtained rather than upon statistical numbers and figures that could be used as the basis for the study. Qualitative research has been found to be useful in the study of exploratory phenomena (Morse, 1991).   Appleton’s study was based upon questionnaires administered to 1 2 healthcare workers followed up by face to face interviews, with a tape recorder being used in all cases.

Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Poetry - Essay Example He has to risk that the audience may not catch what he intends. Ferlinghetti compares a poem to a â€Å"little charleychaplin man,† who â€Å"may or may not catch,† meaning that a poem has to risk losing its audience, risk falling into the â€Å"empty existence of air† in order to achieve any kind of greatness, for if the poem risks nothing it also achieves nothing, no beauty, and no artistry. Ferlinghetti makes this point a bit ironically, as it is intended to be a bit of a jab at the Beat poets, poets who, to Ferlinghetti’s mind, risk nothing in their poetry, instead choosing to hide behind a mask of postmodern cynicism and dispair. The Beat poets, in Ferlinghetti’s opinion, do not walk the rope at all, but instead play their gullible audience, capitalizing on an immature dedication to anarchy and a disillusionment with a government that would draft Americans and send them to a war that they did not believe in. In â€Å"Constantly risking absurdi ty,† we see Ferlinghetti using not only theme and imagery to unite the subjects of poetry and high wire acts, but also the form. The words and lines look as if they are constantly shifting, just like a tight-rope walker must constantly change his pacing in order to keep his balance, or just as the poet must do to â€Å"perceive / taut truth.† The poet has to risk leaps in form as well as leaps in theme and subject to create a work of art. There is no other way.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

KIEU Eaasy-Theme 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

KIEU Eaasy-Theme 2 - Essay Example Although it may be assumed that the spirit behind Kieu’s decision to engage in immoral activities is ethical, the actions the she takes are immoral and against the standards set by the society. Kieu’s liberal personality is revealed when she decides to engage in prostitution in order to cater for the needs for her family. Kieu was well educated and had a bright future ahead, but problems befall her family. As a result, she takes the path of prostitution and becomes a victim of circumstances. According to her society, prostitution is immoral and an abuse of womanhood, but Kieu takes a bold step to engage in it in order to assist her brother and father. The spirit behind her decision to join prostitution in order to assist her family may be taken as a moral action, but in the real sense and based on her society’s norms, it is immoral (Du 151). Kieu falls in love with Kim. Both are teenagers but they follow their desires to develop a passionate relationship. The soc iety prohibits teenage relationship because they are likely to fall into temptation and engage in sexual intercourse. The society is against the relationship, but Kieu’s liberal personality enables her to fall in love with Kim, thus breaking the social norms set by her community. Although Kieu may be considered to be moral when she decided to preserve herself until marriage when her boyfriend Kim tried to make sexual advances to her, the whole relationship is immoral because it contravenes the basic moral codes that prohibit sexual relationships between teenagers (Du 118). Judging whether Kieu’s actions are moral or immoral depends on the society that one is coming from. Every society defines morality in its own context. Looking at Kieu’s character, it is somehow admirable because she loves her family more than herself and decides to practice prostitution in order to save them. If Kieu were a selfish individual, she would have agreed to get married to Kim and le ave her family to suffer. Therefore, in another context, her decisions are admirable and she can be considered to be a bright person. She chooses to assist her family, even though it meant going against social norms and beliefs. Nevertheless, her actions cannot be taken to be those of a hero because the path of prostitution is not a correct one and is not acceptable in any society. Prostitution is immoral and is taken to be lack of respect to oneself and the society at large. Kieu could have made other choices rather than prostitution. Many bright girls around the globe face similar circumstances in life, and prostitution to a morally upright person is immoral. Even though Kieu proved to be morally upright when Kim made sexual advances to her, she later proved to be a weak human being who uses family as a reason to practice prostitution. It is clear that her decision to practice prostitution could not be deterred by social norms and so she had to follow her liberal attitudes to do w hat fulfilled her desire and what she felt was good for her and her family (McLeod and Nguyen 69). Morals are ethics that determine whether the behavior of an individual is good or bad. Every society has its own way of expressing moral behavior and ethics. One may be faced by a situation where the moral behavior can be abandoned in order to save another from bigger problems. For instance, Kieu is forced to join the brothel and start practicing prostitution in a bid to save her father and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Victimology and Policing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Victimology and Policing - Case Study Example When the rest of the passengers moved towards them, they tried to escape. However, the bus driver was notified to close the doors and the two boys were trapped inside the bus. The police centre was notified about the incident. I, as a police officer, was sent to the area to identify and evaluate the conditions of the incident and provide the necessary support to the victim. We found the offenders in the bus and we arrested them. The victim was in a very bad psychological condition and was not able to describe the incident. She followed us to the police station where she described the conditions of the. Within short time - in about an hour - Yasaf left the police station with her parents, who were notified for the incident by the police officers. Yasaf and her parents were asked whether they are going to sue the two young boys; they replied negatively. When the police arrived at the place of the incident, the victim was under severe stress and mental trauma. In fact, the trauma was proved to be more psychological than physical. Apart from a few bruises, the victim did not have any damage in her health; however she was shocked that people in her age treated her in this way without any reason. The police officers were notified on the conditions of the attack which could be more dangerous without the immediate reaction of the other passengers. Her parents were also called and were notified on all the circumstances of the specific event. The victim and her parents decided not to proceed with criminal actions against the young people involved in the specific event. They only asked the police officers to make appropriate notice to them in order to avoid similar actions in the future. A police officer talked with Yasaf for about 30 minutes. She explained to Yasaf the potential motives of the offenders notifying that there was the case that they reacted in this way because they were drunk. 1.3 Circumstances related with the victim Yasaf used to travel in the same route every day. She never faced a risk of her life in the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Our Biosphere, Our Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Our Biosphere, Our Future - Essay Example This study outlines that the solution is reducing the amount of non-biodegradable materials we use like Styrofoam and plastics. Truly, it is often a difficult task to make such broad changes, but we must for future generations. It’s all about the Golden Rule: â€Å"And as ye would that men should do to you, do you also to them likewise†. If we would expect others to keep our air, food, and water clean for us, so should we do for them. To check our progress, we could measure the amount of non-renewable energy we use and the amount of non-biodegradable material in our landfills every year. We have specified the problem, offered solutions, considered ethics, and proposed measures. A concern for future generations should motive us against any future encroachments against nature. Hopefully, some of these ideas may be applied to help save nature for future generations of people.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Stative Verb and Action Verb Essay Example for Free

Stative Verb and Action Verb Essay All verbs in English are classified as either stative or action verbs (also referred to as dynamic verbs). Action verbs describe actions we take (things we do) or things that happen. Stative verbs refer to the way things are their appearance, state of being, smell, etc. The most important difference between stative and action verbs is that action verbs can be used in continuous tenses and stative verbs can not be used in continuous tenses. Action Verbs Shes studying math with Tom at the moment. AND She studies math with Tom every Friday. Theyve been working since seven oclock this morning. AND They worked for two hours yesterday afternoon. Well be having a meeting when you arrive. AND We are going to meet next Friday. Stative Verbs The flowers smell lovely. NOT Those flowers are smelling lovely. She heard him speak in Seattle yesterday afternoon. NOT She was hearing him speak in Seattle yesterday afternoon. Theyll love the concert tomorrow evening. NOT Theyll be loving the concert tomorrow evening. Common Stative Verbs There are many more action verbs than stative verbs. Here is a list of some the most common stative verbs: Be , hate, like, love, need, belong, believe, cost, get, impress, know reach, recognize, taste, think, understand You may notice that some of these verbs can be used as action verbs with different meanings. For example, the verb to think can either express an opinion, or the process of considering. In the first case, when think expresses an opinion it is stative: I think she should work harder on her math. She thinks he is a fantastic singer. Think, however, can also express the process of considering something. In this case think is an action verb: Theyre thinking about buying a new house. Shes thinking of joining a health club.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Influences on Consumer Behavior for Mobile Phone Choice

Influences on Consumer Behavior for Mobile Phone Choice INTRODUCTION With the passage of time, advents in technology have given new meanings to almost everything around us. Every preconceived notion and idea has been forced to go through a metamorphosis to keep in line with the growing pace of change. This tidal wave of change has surely altered communication drastically. The new advances have led to addition of many new forms which came about as a revolution. The communicative revolution that concerns us is actually the third wave, according to which information can now be transmitted through electronic signals and controlled waves present in the air around us. A mobile phone is an electronic device which is used in two way communication. To make use of a mobile phone, connection to a cellular network is required which is an interconnection of base stations through which signals are transmitted, hence the mobile uses those signals to forge and maintain connection. A user using a mobile phone can make or receive telephone calls to and from other cellular networks and also fixed line phones worldwide. Each mobile phone holds a subscription with a cellular network which then connects it to a mobile network operator and thus lets communication to flow freely. Mobile phones are not used for calls only, especially modern mobile phones. They offer a wide variety of communicative services such as: text messaging sending and receiving emails voicemails accessible through voicemail inbox access to internet MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) interactive games connectivity through Bluetooth and/or USB, infrared music player camera GPS (Global Positioning System) With the influx of countless models of mobiles in the UK market, with minor or significant differences in features, generally they are categorized into two groups. We have feature phones, which are normally characterized as low end mobile phones having less functions, whereas at the other extreme we have Smartphone which are high end phones with sophisticated, computing capabilities. Hence the focus of this report is to discuss a Market Research Study with the aim of providing readers with a comprehensive insight into the factors that influence the consumer behavior when it comes to choosing mobile phones, particularly for UK market. Once the factors have been determined, this report will further shed light on the market research objectives as well as the main purpose and procedure for this proposed market research study. In addition to the aforementioned topics in this report you will also find ample information regarding how to conduct a qualitative and quantitative market research study explaining the finer points in detail. Also a proposed reporting research schedule and timing, fees and credentials will be a part of this report. The reports prime focus will be on the consumer influences because it is these factors that aid the consumer in making a rational choice when given several alternatives to choose from. The consumer would first have to have a need or a problem for the satisfaction of which a product would be required. In this case we have the purchase of a mobile phone. Hence factors influencing consumer behavior in choosing a mobile phone from the different brands will be considered. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES As the main research objective of this study is to identify the factors that influence consumer behavior at the time of choosing a mobile phone brand; hence, the primary research objectives are stated below which have been further subdivided into sub objectives to illustrate the point further. Primary objectives are: Demographic factors Psychographic factors Behavioral factors Following are the sub objectives providing explanation for each of the research studys objectives: Demographic factors: are those factors influencing consumer behavior which are the consumers factors comprising of age, gender, income, occupation, education, religion and nationality. Demographic factors are important as consumers belonging to similar demographics have alike buying patterns. Based on the research study result, researchers would know what brands are favored by the male or female consumers, also depending on the income and occupation which brands would be the choice for consumers. Psychographic factors: comprise of factors that are based on consumers social class, lifestyle and personality traits. A point to be noted is that same demographics may have very different preferences when it comes to psychographic structures. Some brands are chosen over others if they are better at portraying an image which truly reflects the consumers psychographics. Behavioral factors: are specifically related to the buyers habits and their attitudes towards different brands. Basically it comprises of components that tell about the consumers knowledge, attitudes and responses to a product. If the marketer has ample knowledge about these behavioral variables then it makes the research very informative. PURPOSE AND PROCEDURE OF THE PROPOSED RESEARCH METHOD AND DESIGN The prime focus of this proposed marketing research method and design is to be able to identify the significant factors that play an important role in influencing consumer behaviour in respect to choosing between different mobile brands, specifically in the UK market. In order to be able to collect genuine and authentic data this research design will incorporate both primary and secondary research study. Elements of the said primary research study will be utilised in the form of both qualitative and quantitative research. The purpose being the determination of various factors that play a key role in influencing consumer behaviour in relation to choosing mobile phone brands. The factors under discussion will be from the broad categories of demographics, psychographics and behavioural. Furthermore, to complement the marketing research study results, a literature review relating to the importance of proper knowledge regarding different consumer influences, consumers preferences and choices, prices and availability of different features such as camera, games, Wi-Fi, and also the notion of brand loyalty. In addition to it, evaluation methods explaining how best to gauge consumer responses will also be augmented in the study. As told earlier, secondary research will be also be implemented, its aim would be to augment information about the patterns of consumer behaviour in the past and also the changes that have taken place recently. All of this information gained will then be considered and used in forming the main purpose and objectives of the proposed research study. For the designing of a questionnaire judging the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the research study, the following questions will be a part of it. The questions are: Which mobile phone brand are you currently using? Would you buy the same brand when buying a new phone in the future? Which mobile phone brand would have been your next choice? How much are you willing to pay for a mobile phone of your choice? What are your preferences in choosing a mobile phone? What features are the most important in a mobile phone? What features are the least important in a mobile phone? In your opinion, which brand is the UK market leader in mobile phones? RATIONALE BEHIND THE QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN Initially there is a need to recognize what is the kind of relationship shared between the variables and hypothesis. The two broad categories of such relationships are cause and effect relationship and non cause effect relationship. The one under consideration belongs to the former group as we have identified different factors as cause, bringing about effect in the form of consumer behaviour when opting for a certain mobile phone brand. It is widely believed that quantitative research methods which are based on scientific mode of study are the most effective in delivering a credible research hypothesis. Though there are other methods too, but they do have their shortcomings as well. If a pure statistical quantitative research method is implemented the results would not be comprehensive enough. They would only depict the general evaluation of the research and not the finer details that went into forming this conclusion. Another method for that matter is pure observational approach; again this mode is not favourable as it is primarily based on the researchers supposition of the hypothesis. Therefore this approach is greatly endangered by distortion of the final conclusion and lacks credibility as a result of it. Phenomenological method is another approach that can be taken as it asks the researchers to better understand the idea or hypothesis in relation to all its aspects and then form an evaluation based on the experiences felt by the person under its influence. In the end to sum up, its best suggested that statistical method be used for quantitative purpose and qualitative approach be taken to research the factors. As this combination of methods incorporates both the pros and cons of the respective approaches so it will, in most probability, helpful in delivering a credible and unbiased evaluation at the end of the research study. ABOUT THE PROPOSED RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN The questionnaire was formulated for the key purpose of identifying the different factors that influence consumer behaviour when choosing between different mobile phone brands in the UK market. Therefore each question was designed with the aim of extracting some information that would be insightful in understanding the complex buying behaviour of the consumers. Question 1 will find out which brand is most used by the consumers. If there are a major proportion of the participants choosing a particular brand that would mean that brand may be the market leader. Questions 2 and 3 will assess whether they wish to change the phone. If they do then what is the reason behind it, if a shortcoming in the current brand is recognized then the marketer can capitalize on it and add this feature in its own product if feasible. Question 4 will judge the brand loyalty in the participants as part of the behavioural factors influencing consumer behaviour. Whereas, question 5 will aim to find out what the customers next favoured option is in mobile phone brands. This would give an idea as to which brand has the potential of becoming the market leader. Question 6 will evaluate what is the technological literacy in the participants so that a need for introduction of complex technology can be considered. While question 7 will review what are the activities that the users mostly indulge in when using their phones. This will also be helpful in finding out what areas can be improved as are mostly used by the consumers. Question 8 will aim to discover the power friends have on consumer preferences as part of the psychographic factors. Generally it is believed that family, friends and peer pressure play a vital role in this area, this question will be finding out whether there is any truth to this notion or not. Question 9s purpose is to obtain information regarding how much consumers are willing to spend on the purchase of a mobile phone. Price is in relation to income which is a component of demographic factors. Also if a trend in low spending is observed then this would mean that there is a need for lowering the prices. Question 10 will ask the participants to make a choice between two of the most coveted mobile phone features. In addition to the usual ones features available, preference for camera and Wi-Fi will be asked for. Question 11 is in extension to the earlier asked question, asking what are the features that they most want in their mobile phones. It is expected that the answers will greatly depend on the age of the participants. Question 12, the last question, will actually provide additional information about the consumers assessment of the available brands. This will also show which brand the consumers think is the market leader, the response to this question will be interesting as it may be in contrast to what the marketers expectations are. IMPORTANCE OF STRATEGIC QUESTIONING, INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES AND EVALUATION In order to be certain that the questions prepared are honest and not misleading, it is necessary that the questions being asked as part of the research are credible. If not then the results may be deceptive. For this purpose it is also necessary that strategic questioning is such that asks questions that are actually informative and insightful, helping in forming strategies. Therefore it of the utmost importance that the questionnaire designed should be clear in stating what its purpose is. The understanding of the responses should be such which would be able to serve its purpose of finding out the factors most influencing consumer behaviour in choosing mobile phone brands, particularly for the UK market. The researcher should incorporate all such plausible and relevant questions that will be helpful in achieving this aim. While conducting an interview, researchers are at an advantage of extracting much more out of the respondent than from a questionnaire. It is because of the nature of the method that gives the freedom to the researcher to pay attention to the gestures and body language of the participant in addition to obtaining a response. When evaluating and getting ready to present the data, the researcher should not forget what the purpose has been all along. Also a general code of conduct and ethics should not be breached at any stage of the research as that would deem the study false. PROPOSED RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND REPORTING As the research has to kept bias free so it is important that the respondents are chosen at random from the targeted segment. The researcher should thus aim to distribute the questionnaires to people who can be counted on for providing the best possible response. For our study, prime focus would be UK residents. It will be this collected data which will be analysed and evaluated. Since our study encompasses the whole UK market, so the researcher will aim to get 100 survey questionnaires by the residents of four main countries of the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland). Each participant will be at complete liberty to refuse to participate in this survey, only after their consent would they be given a questionnaire to fill. Correct purpose of the study will be explained to them. After all the data has been collected, it will then be analyzed and interpreted with the use of computing aids in order to be certain about the veracity of the study. These results will be compiled as a report in addition to study results, recommendations and conclusions. For the meeting this report will be presented along with a PowerPoint presentation. PROPOSED RESEARCH SCHEDULE AND TIMING This research will be conducted within an expected time duration of 7 weeks. In the initial weeks, the market research proposal will be composed. This step will involve the preliminary identification of factors influencing consumer behaviour namely, demographic, psychographic and behavioural factors, which will then be taken as the basis for the whole study. Literature review will be a key component for this area as this will evaluate what needs to be researched. It will be during this literature review that the factors will be further sub divided into smaller facets to cover every aspect of consumer behaviour. During the 3rd week, quantitative and qualitative research study questionnaire will be designed. For this purpose first the merits and demerits of each form of study will have to be taken into consideration. Then after the questionnaires are prepared, they will be distributed to the targeted segment of the population based on country wise division for UK market. It will be during the 4th and 5th week that the questionnaires will be filled and collected. Two week time is being allotted as the questionnaires will be divided over a large area so shipping to and forth will have to be accounted for. In the 6th week the researcher will have to get down to the task of the evaluating the results. For this a systematic procedure of first entering the data into computing software and then retrieving the end result will be initiated. Computers are being used of this purpose to guarantee no or very insignificant discrepancies. Once the results are obtained they will be included in the study for the experts review and analysis. As told earlier, informal interviews will also be conducted so that gain even better insight into the workings of consumer influences. These responses along with formal interview data collected will be also be added into the survey. At the completion of all these steps, final evaluation will be carried out. This evaluation will incorporate elements from all the parts of the whole research proposal study, the purpose for this detailed study will be to avoid all forms of prejudice that might have seeped into the study at any step of the process. In the final 7th week, after the study is completed, final review will take place. COST FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS AND BREAKDOWN As the participants selected belong to four different countries therefore questionnaire filling will in itself be a long process. Mostly it takes a couple of days for the questionnaires to be filled but as the participants are over an extended area so for that we have projected a longer time duration. During all this time various expenses will be incurred which have to be accounted from. Apart from the obvious transportation and telecommunications costs which are a part of every research schedule, other expenses are also to be considered. These other expenses can be listed under sundry expenses, comprising of paper and printing cost, food expenses. Also the volunteers will be given allowances for the services being offered.

Hexagonal Bar Splitting Experiment

Hexagonal Bar Splitting Experiment HEXAGONAL BAR SPLITTING Information Available: Failure of the bar was experienced during cold forming operation. The bar was produced by hot forming. The shape was hexagonal, the initial bar size was about 20mm. The material used in the product was mild steel. Fig (1): Fracture mode, split section in the bar The composition of mild steel: According to the chemical analysis report that was done by atomic emission spectrometry (AES) the sample contains the following elements: Element Wt % Fe bal C 0.143 Mn 0.73 S 0.043 Si 0.345 P 0.035 Nb 0.015 metallurgist analysis indicated to presence of 0.04% S which is considered high content of Sulphur to use in steel. Sulphur lowers ductility and notched impact toughness and has little effects on the longitudinal mechanical properties. The parameters of forming process: the compressive forces applied by the rolls to reduce the thickness of the material or changes its cross sectional area, the contour of the roll gap and roll configurations. The requested tests: More specific and precise information should be available to determine the basic cause of the failure. The following techniques could be useful: X-Ray Diffraction (XRD): to get enough data about the chemical composition of the bar material and the crystallography structure. As well, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Ultrasonic testing: to estimate the size, orientation, shape and nature of defects. Manufacturing process: Hot Rolling: Cooling In all rolling processes, cooling the steel is a critical factor. The speed at which the rolled product is cooled will affect the mechanical properties of the steel. Cooling speed is controlled normally by spraying water on the steel as it passes through and/or leaves the mill, although occasionally the rolled steel is air-cooled using large fans. (internal defect in steel during manufacturing) Centreline segregation occurs within continuously cast slab and this influences the type of the localised microstructure. Elements which are prone to segregate in structural steels include C, Mn, Si, P, S and Nb and an accurate measure of the segregation intensity can be obtained using electron probe microanalysis. It is known that such segregation can influence the fracture toughness together with other properties. There is growing concern among customers and regulating bodies that present specifications do not take sufficient account of this fact. It is, therefore, important that a quantitative relationship be established between the intensity of the segregating elements and the fracture toughness so that compositional adjustments to the parent plate can be made in order to optimise properties. Since it is not possible to obtain commercial samples of plate having controlled segregation characteristics it is intended to replace the cen tral segregated region in commercial slab with inserts of known composition and thickness. It is also intended to carry out a limited assessment of the weldability of the segregated samples including the influence on the HAZ toughness. (1)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Crocodiling: The prediction of defect during rolling process is so complex because that is related to multiple parameters including cool rating, composition, distribution of carbides, deformation, etc. In this case study there is a rolling defect which in known as split end or crocodiling. This phenomenon initiates as a crack forming along the center plane of the deformed bar. The cracks in this situation are formed by cleavage fracture at the centerline of the bar, resulted from the stresses during drawing. In the drawing process the hydroststic stress components are basically tensile stresses. The fracture mechanism of cracking was primarily cleavage in the direction perpendicular to the rod plane. (2) The major variables that affect mechanical properties and formability are working temperature, temperature of anneals  between operations, percentage of reduction after the final anneal, and temperature of final heat treatment. 1. Effect of centreline segregation on the toughness of structural steels 2. Wla R. A. Toughness of Ferritic Stainless steels. 1980.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Vegetarianism is the Better Choice Essay -- Diet Vegetarian

The trend of abstaining from eating meat and other animal products is a rapidly growing one. According to David Bender in Animal Rights Opposing Viewpoints, â€Å"Today, nearly twenty million Americans are vegetarians, and many more have greatly reduced their meat consumption† (139). One meat-eating person may ponder why these non-meat eaters would deprive themselves of the wonderful taste of meat and animal products. Another concern is over nutrition, mainly protein intake. Many meat eaters believe that a vegetarian diet does not and cannot supply the protein necessary for the body to function properly. There are many misconceptions (like the one above) and unknown facts associated with the vegetarian lifestyle. This essay will deal with the issue of nutrition and reveal the truth about how the vegetarian diet can improve one’s well being by, making weigh loss easier, boosting the level of energy one feels on a day to day basis, reducing the risks of Atheseriousis, can cer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, and heart disease. There are also many unknown facts associated with the vegetarian way of life. One of which is the great role vegetarians play in reducing the amount of waste in the environment. What this statement means is that by not eating meat one is promoting the use of farmland for food for humans instead of farmland for grazing animals (this greatly reduces water usage and waste; it also cuts down on the acreage of farm land used.) Water usage will become an increasing problem if more people do not find and implement water conservation methods. According to data taken from John Robbins in Diet for a New America, if something is not done, the water in the Texas aquifers will be exhausted in less than thirty-five years (1). For reasons that will become clearer after reading this essay, vegetarianism seems to be an answer to the problem of water usage. With the increasing amount of land being used for farming to mainly feed animals used for food by us, comes increased soil erosion and leeching. Leeching is a term used to describe the process of the loss of nutrients from the soil, and the end result is sand that cannot support plant life. Vegetarians help to reduce the amount of farmlands needed to support animals. According to Robbins, in Diet for a New America, â€Å"Since 1967, the rate of deforestation in the U.S. has been one acre every five second... ...nd most veal calves are subjected to confinement so severe that they cannot even turn around† (134). The purpose for this treatment is so the animals expend as little energy (in the form of calories) as possible so that the animal gains weight substantially quicker. The raising of other â€Å"food animals† is quite similar to the treatment that pigs and veal receive. â€Å"Food animals† are often fed contaminated food, which poisons them and their meat. Dangerous heavy metals build up in manure, bones, and internal organs, such as kidneys and livers, and are then recycled back through livestock as feed. The diseased organisms that survive in animal tissue processed into feed can infect the livestock and inevitably infect us as well. When one considers the serious health risks of a meat and dairy based diet, the environmental devastation caused by animal agriculture, the huge waste of resources in a world faced with chronic human starvation, and the violence to and suffering of billions of animals the switch to vegetarianism makes perfect sense. Even if one is not willing to completely give up meat, just eating meat at less often will make a difference in ones health, and the environment.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Ocean Carriers Case Report Hunter Taylor Cases in Financial Management 2/25/2014 Executive Summary The Ocean Carriers brand is looking into the profitability and risk associated with purchasing a new capesize carrier for use in an initial three year lease. At the moment, Ocean Carriers does not have any boats capable of meeting the size requirements that the lessee needs in order to fill their obligations. My analysis of this case brought the conclusion that there is no viable way to project the NPV of this project out of the red, or anywhere close to where it needs to be considering the risk associated with the building, leasing, and maintenance of the boat. If any ship is to be built, which is not my overall suggestion, it should be built in Hong Kong where no tax rate is applied. This is the only situation where the NPV of the project is positive, yet by just the slightest of margins. The Ocean Carriers company is responsible for determining if these small margins and NPV are worth the risk associated with this project. Scrapping at any year before or after 25 years would be non-optimal. Although the NPV increases each projected year in each possible scenario, the life span of the carrier is not infinite, and the costs associated with running the ship past 25 years far negate the increase in NPV. Assumptions & Problem Statement As with any projection of future events, assumptions had to be made in order to make sensible estimations. I used an expected 9% discount rate at 3% inflation per year. The working cap of the firm will grow at this inflation rate and cash flows will be discounted at 9%. Analysis Scenario 1: Operate carrier for 25 years and scrap. This situation proved to be one of the least attractive options.... ...rease 15% Changing Cells: Hire Rate 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 Hire Rate 20,200 21,200 22,200 23,200 Hire Rate 20,400 21,400 22,400 23,400 Result Cells: NPV 422,697 1,183,299 1,943,902 2,704,505 Conclusion If any ship is to be built, which is not my overall suggestion; it should be built in Hong Kong where no tax rate is applied. This is the only situation where the NPV of the project is positive, yet by just the slightest of margins. Following this recommendation would be the only scenario where Ocean Carriers sees a positive net present value of the investment. Aside from this somewhat formidable option, it is my suggestion that Ocean Carriers neglect this project.

us history :: essays research papers

The Declaration of Independence contains words all Americans take for granted: â€Å"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The founders of the country that would become the United States had to put these words into a written declaration because those ruling them at the time did not recognize those rights. Democracy as we know it today was just beginning to take shape prior to the American Revolutionary War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Often, the events are presented to students in overly simplistic ways: the colonists simply got mad because they had no parliamentary procedures for influencing the laws that governed them, a concept explained as â€Å"taxation without representation.† England imposed more and more taxes on the colonists, and they had no way to stop the King from doing this to them, so they rebelled. However, the idea that they should have the right to overthrow a government that denied them what we now think of as basic rights was a relatively new one, and not one embraced by all political leaders in Europe at the time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These ideas began with discoveries in science that revealed that our physical world was governed by predictable rules, by cause and effect (Mills, 1996). At the time, science was viewed as a branch of philosophy, and scientific thinking was gradually applied to philosophy, leading to a new school of thought that came to be known as â€Å"The Enlightenment.† (The Economist, 1999) The idea of democracy wasn’t new. Ancient   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rights page 2 Greece had been ruled by a modified form of democracy that gave the right to vote to the upper echelons of male citizens.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The development of modern democracy also had roots in developing economic practice. John Locke, one of prominent thinkers in the Enlightenment movement, put great emphasis on the right to own property. Systems of law that were respected by members of many different countries were necessary so commerce could develop. Without laws regarding ownership and property, those engaging in trade could not be certain that transaction agreements would be honored (The Economist, 1999).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In reports of the events leading up to the American Revolution, the King of England is often depicted as a dictator who pronounced law as he saw fit based on his absolute power. However, the notion of a monarch with absolute power was not the standard for most of European history.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Studying Of Environmental Health Health And Social Care Essay

My MBBS ( Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery ) course of study of Community Medicine gave me an chance to analyze the multidisciplinary Fieldss of Public Health.Moreover, I had the opportunity to expose to the wellness attention installation of our state through several Day Visit plans. My Day Visits to Institute of Public Health ( IPH ) Dhaka, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh ( ICDDR, B ) , Expanded plan on Immunization ( EPI ) Centre, Dhaka etc. gave me a perfect range to detect the public wellness benefit in Bangladesh.Through these visits I become interested in this topic. My involvement in Public Health was further stimulated by my field visit experience as a portion of RFST ( Residential Field Site Training Program ) at Sreepur upazilla. We performed a cross sectional survey on â€Å" Psychosocial Assessment of Rural People of Bangladesh † . That was for the first clip I was introduced to epidemiological study and worked utilizing SPSS to come in and analyse data.We were awarded the 2nd award for our distinguishable undertaking. During my arrangement, I had found that most of these rural people were incognizant of the basic wellness regulations and therefore easy infected by many catching diseases.We gave them wellness instruction about nutrition, sanitation and personal hygiene and distributed ORS ( Oral Rehydration Salt ) packages. I was really aroused when they showed self-concern for safe environmental pattern. With the aid of Upazilla Health Officer, we guided them to put in H2O seal latrines. The RFST experience aroused my involvement in the field of Environmental Health. Not merely were we able to make something new but we were besides able to assist the local population. By actuating and educating a group of people about wellness related jobs, we could finally diminish the disease load in the community. I realize the importance of hygiene instruction in our society. In Ibrahim Medical College I managed to keep the top place in my category during the whole undergraduate plan. In the Final Professional MBBS ( Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery ) scrutiny, I stood foremost in the college. Besides academic surveies, I frequently volunteer to the BIRDEM General Hospital and Diabetic Association of Bangladesh ( DAB ) to take part in free wellness cantonments. After my completion of 5 old ages of medical class, I have started one twelvemonth rotatory internship preparation at BIRDEM ( Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation of Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorder ) General Hospital. As an intern physician in third degree infirmary, I have the chance to pull off patients with wide scope of unwellness like hapless patients with diabetes complications, severe malnourished kids enfeebling from Kalazar, Tuberculosis and Helminthiasis, skin malignant neoplastic disease patient with arsenicosis and immature workers with assorted pneumonic complications. To battle the predominating environmental wellness jeopardies in Bangladesh I believe it is imperative to develop an effectual accomplishment in the field of Environmental Epidemiology. An MS grade in Environmental Health in the field of Environmental Epidemiology will supply me a alone chance to analyze the incidence of disease and diminish the impact of environmental wellness r elated jobs from our community. During my internship in Gynaecology Department, I had made another field visit at Ramu Upazilla Health Complex, Cox ‘s Bazar.I was involved in supplying Essential Service Package ( ESP ) and Primary Health Care ( PHC ) to the local community.I organized a little group session with local people to discourse on issues like harmful consequence of chemical fertilisers, generative and child wellness attention and referral cognition for patients with cholera, diarrhea and pneumonia. I found this treatment really effectual as most of them were nescient about modern wellness attention. My community exposure and interaction with patients farther escalate my involvement in environmental wellness. I will be take parting in a research undertaking on â€Å" Identification and Magnitude of Antibiotic Prescription in Different Levels of Health Service Delivery Centres † from November 2012.Under the supervising of Dept. of Microbiology, BIRDEM infirmary I will be working as a research assistant.I think it will be really effectual to better my accomplishments in the field of epidemiology and biometricss. Bangladesh has made a sustained advancement in environmental wellness sector with precedence of issues like sanitation, planned urbanisation, forbiddance of plastic bag usage etc.By utilizing limited resources and wellness installations it has successfully promoted under five immunisation program.Working in both Upazilla and Tertiary degree infirmaries, I think environmental wellness demands more attending at primary level.Lack of sufficient figure of community doctors and unequal wellness installations fail to supply quality wellness service to the rural people. I am determined to function my community as a physician scientist every bit good as research worker to place community wellness job and create consciousness of wellness related jobs among them.After completion of Master ‘s plan I would wish to obtain a PhD grade in Environmental Health so that I can go on my research in the related field. Analyzing Environmental Health at Boston University will be really esteemed and I am peculiarly excited by its accomplishment focused course of study, diverse expertness, outstanding module, multicultural environment in campus and extended practicum chances in this field.As a doctor I am in a alone place of steering the wellness attention squad. I am excited that if I get into the plan I would hold the chance to lend to the bequest of Boston University ‘s School of Public Health plan. Finally, I believe that being an academician in a reputed university will function my ultimate calling dream as a research worker where I could be working towards the benefit of the society.The chance to prosecute my alumnus survey in Boston University will move as the origin of my dream towards a successful hereafter.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Effects of Globalization on the Environment Essay

globalisation has had a huge sham on the knowledge domain in a number of ways. It has extendd the integration of countries psyche economies, the leaven in the human beings duty and multinational companies, and the effect of large amounts of coin moving in and out of economies by and throughout the world. People around the world atomic number 18 more than connected to each cutting(prenominal) than ever before. Information and m angiotensin-converting enzymey move more quickly than ever before. In addition goods and services produced in one part of the world are increasingly avail competent in every(prenominal)(prenominal) move of the world. International travel and communication in this instant more frequent and has blend in commonplace throughout the world.It can not be denied that globalization has had an overwhelming corroboratory influence. Millions of jobs have been opened up through the ever increasing productivity and competency of the global economy. G lobalization for less certain countries has bring forwardd faster growth, in binge promoting poverty reduction, democratization and higher sweat and environmental standards. It also gives citizens peachyer individual(a) freedom to express views and experience cultures through such mediums as television and the internet, which encourage understanding around the world.This fairly advanced glorified issue has had a great impact on the global environment in addition to all other aspects of the world that it has affected. One of the greatest examples that bed to mind is the endless support of the tsunamis victims. Without globalization the world could not have contributed to the bound of what we have. Relentless support has been granted to the victims of this tragical face in record time. Globalization has made this possible through the increase in technology and communication.Citizens of the world now have the ability to contribute time, currency and supplies to countrie s that would otherwise be stranded or left hanging for a full stop of time. Our valiant efforts have put this expansive event at an all time support computer backup. We are now able to send support in all forms more conveniently. Without the effects of globalization this event that has occurred would have been much more devastating. The world can thank globalization for this neer ending support.In addition to the tsunamis relief support granted through globalization, it has affected the environment in other ways as well. It has greatly change magnitude the environmental standards ecumenic. by dint of the development of the internet some(prenominal) environmental agencies have evolved which have increased the protection of the environment. The internet has made them more effective and they are now able to communicate much easier than ever before. Through the development of environmental supports some salutary factors have evolved such as new up to date emissions standards. T his greatly reduces the world big threat of global warming. By agencies efficaciously implementing such standards our world has become safer and healthier.These efforts are now on a continuum which sole(prenominal) leaves our world to improvement. Globalization is the reason for this and without it our world would be at risk of essential destruction. Through the efforts of environmental agencies we as a world are now sensible and informed of the dangers of what used to be every day practices. We can thank the rise of globalization for our continuing efforts for world wide environmental improvement.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realists are well-known because of their pessimism towards global affairs.This theory can be regarded as a prescription to be followed by politicians and states or as a description of current affairs of the state or politician pursuing self-interest. Realism in politics is often defined as a principle of power supremacy, and it has a long history since the ancient times. It was reflected in Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. This theory was also touched by Machiavelli in his writing The Prince, as well as by other outstanding philosophers like Spinoza, Hobbes and Rousseau.On the reverse side, structural reality examines the structural qualities of this system as the origin from which war advantages.(Ahrensdorf) Political realism is explained in the personal following way:â€Å"Prior to the French Revolution in which nationalism as a political doctrine truly entered the world’s stage, political realism involved the political jurisdictions of preliminary ruling dynasties, whi lst in the nineteenth century, nationalist sentiments focused realists’ attentions on the development of the nation-state, a policy that what was later extended to include imperialist ambitions on the part of the major Western powers-Britain and France, and last even Belgium, Germany and the United States were influenced by imperialism. † (Viotti, Kauppi).Important difference between social darwinism and other various branches political realism is as follows: adherents of the former state that some nations are destined to british rule over other nations, while other part of realists pays most attention to the need of ensuring how that nation, culture or politician sets or secures own needs before needs or interests of others. Political realism in international affairs Political realism of an expressive kind stands for the suggestion deeds that international commonwealth is distinguished by anarchy, since there is no absolute world government, that could general rule wit h an all-purpose policy code.

Its normal that realism is not really realistic.17, ‘Of Commonwealth, cited in Griffiths, O’Callaghan). Respectively, without any supreme international force, nations treat each other with hostility or fear, and it damages the system. Another aspect of the theory is an assumption that a state empty can promote its interest against the needs and interests of other states, it proves that international surrounding is forget not stable. Any order is affected if states compete for the same need, and under such circumstances, as the realists state, the nation may rely on itself only.IR realism has indeed imperfections and cant be regarded as a universal best remedy .† (Stern) The assessment of expressive kind of political realism power depends upon the chance of understanding political reasons, which requests understanding the many causes of state diplomats and representatives. The pattern of officers’ relations, their motives and actions is complex. Waltz s ays that the closed nature of expressive realism includes a oppose scheme that nations does not second serve any needs at all, or can serve the needs of others only.The logical value of the three various theories resulting from this concept offers that preferring one condition to another is an optional decision, if an assumption is accepted, or not.

It has to always protect itself There is no power that late may enforce rules that are global or punish behaviour and has to seek power.Such argument includes the female personification of the states and collectivization of individuals. Some theorists state that the relations between states and the fellow citizens cannot be compared to the relations between the states and the relations of the individuals, and therefore should be differently judged. In new addition to the propositions of descriptive realism, there are notions offered by prescriptive political realism, for instance, the clear statement that a certain nation should follow its own interests and needs independently of the relevant state of international relations.This theory best can be divided into various aspects, depending upon proclaimed interest of the nation and the allowability of the tools that would be used to global reach desired goals.States are the important actors In the view of international relations, realism centralize the worth of states.Difference between neorealism and classical realismConflict is regarded as a key element in politics, including international affairs, by all realists, however, getting there are two different sources of conflict, pointed out by different realist authors. For instance, classical critical realism theory starts with a pessimistic viewpoint on the human nature. As the adherents of this theory believe, selfish, competitive logical and striving for power behavior in inherent for the humans. Hans Morgenthau states deeds that each individual is enforced to act uncaringly to protect himself, and this situation leads to the disagreement:â€Å"What the one human wants for himself, the other already possesses or wants, too.

A state will stay in a place.These ideas performed specific different approach to a strategy applied in international affairs: a careful statesman must avoid optimistic view on others’ aims and best intentions and limits their initiatives to those that may help if the situation goes better. For instance, Henry Kissinger warned the leaders of the USA and Israeli against the intentions of Syria logical and Palestine, during the negotiations on Middle East conflict: â€Å"It is likely that agreements will be reached †¦ because the alternatives will, in the end, seem more dangerous.But when this happens, we must avoid euphoria†¦. An agreement will represent a strategic interlude unlooked for the Syrians and most of the Palestinians, not a commitment to a new world order.e.Another theory, neorealism or structural realism, refers the origin of conflict to interstate condition, the lack of legally restricting rules in particular, rather than to only human nature.The adherents of neorealism state, that â€Å"the absence of a neutral authority that can enforce rules logical and agreements creates an insecure, self-help situation in which all policy makers are pressured to last act competitively, regardless of their individual natures or personal preferences. † (Kegley, Wittkopf) This statement is not new, it appeared in the 17th century in the work of Thomas Hobbes. In his writing Leviathan he other states that the in the world, which lacks supreme power that could provide security, people has a legal right to use any tools to protect themselves.

When war is brought on via the debate between nations throughout the breaking of civil legislation it is regarded as a tragedy so that peace could be restored, where if theres a transgressor that old has resulted in the war somehow it should be taken away.(Waltz) Waltz states that large states possess the capacity logical and desire to withstand the strength of other states. This results, as he sees it, in a tendency of competitiveness among states independently of the views of their leaders concerning domestic policy. Actually, the prediction of this general statement is not much different from the assumption made by the adherents of classical realism. As soon as it is based on the certain assumptions concerning human nature, classic realists expect that the makers of policy also act competitively.It may in fact be attained only by using intimidation and force.As soon as the states’ interests come across in conflict, it is expected that leaders pay much attention to the ir positions in power.â€Å"The classical realist scientific worldview appealed to many statesmen during the period that states were evolving in Western Europe-an era rife with conflict, as medieval forms of rule broke down and rulers asserted new claims to authority against feudal lords or the Pope. It jumped to the United States when the experiences of World War II were followed by the rapid onset of the Cold War. Neorealism later emerged when the bipolarity of the Cold War drew analysts’ attention to the effects of the structure of the interstate system†.

In the following, three standard assumptions of realism is going to be mentioned and having real life example to demonstrate realism isnt totally realistic.It is based upon the ideas of Kennan and Morgenthau, including the concepts of diplomacy purposes and international order. It proclaims that a global order is needed to be agreed by the largest states, to provide the promotion of their interests and reduce the threat of terrorists. Accordingly, the USA political power is treated as an element, vital for keeping the Great Capitalist Peace.At the same time, it is added that the limits should be put on the US power, in order to legitimate interests logical and needs of other states should be satisfied.Each one is a particular theory that attempts to spell worn out the way states act.(Lieven, Hulsman) Sources Waltz, K. N. Structural Realism after the Cold War.International Security.

An definite integral concept under realism is that the distribution of power called system polarity.McGraw Hill: NY, 1993. Stern, G. The Structure of kidney International Society. London: Pinter Publishers, 2000.Change in the system will induce change .Oxford University Press, 2004 Griffiths, M. , O’Callaghan, T. International Relations: The Key Concepts. London, Routledge, 2002 Kegley, C.

Monday, July 15, 2019

National Health Care Expenditures Essay

wellness wholly(prenominal)ot be ar a great deal(prenominal)(prenominal) steep(prenominal) in the linked States than lots(prenominal) or slight(prenominal) vest else. It does non guinea pig if it is heedful in aggregate bucks fagged, a section of the thriftiness, or per capita basis. The united States has the humankinds largest wellness solicitude market. wellness condole with nonices for 40% of all wellness expenditures and the unite States obligates to serious 5% of the populaces tribe. easily high gear wellness contend embody do non depend to introduce U. S. citizens appreciably wellnessier (Getzen & aloneen, 2007). U. S. wellness vexation be conduct to purloin nonably accele ordaind than any an opposite(prenominal)(a) fragment of the economy or the commonwealths in set ab aways for some(prenominal) than the delay 40 yrs.Ameri send words cannot ache this forever. The insure of wellness tuition economics is the united States gravest crisis, and this gridlock commands a solution. conclusion unitary ordain not be aboveboard or engaging (The tall damage of wellness C ar, 2007). This way the geological sortingation has to fill erupt up with sees that assist command be tour preparing for the future, and the creation for assumeing likely hold reveal to cheat ascent appeal that gear up hardships on their home base consecrates. In 2011 US wellness tending spend grew 3. 9% to hap $2. one thousand thousand, mark the common chord choke off-to-back social class of relatively soggy growing. wellness alimony expenditures grew 3. 9% blanket(a)-strengthly 2009 finished with(predicate) 2011, indicating three old age of decom fight back harvest-festival. wellness assistance consumption stretchability $2. 7 meg in 2011, besides shows in a character of the stark(a) municipal ingathering (GDP) rest durable at 17. 9 % for the equal period . blend in division, 2012, finishes out with a teensy high stratumbook regularize of 4. 3%. For 2012, keep think in argona wellness expenditures grew at an estimated annual rate of 4. 3% in 2012, a position higher than the 3. 9% experience for all(prenominal) of the days 2009-2011. bit this sound judgment is subject to adjustments, it foreshadows a quarter consecutive year of record-low exploitation embrace the antecedent 50 historic period of statistics. The masking of thudding consumption at the field pull back aim does not consult the corresponding regarding expending in the in-person level. personalised wellness fearfulness in busy intensify in 2011. This expenditure level went from 3. 7% to 4. 1% be front of more than than step-up in expense for prescription drug drugs, physician fees, and medical checkup exam provisions. separateized victimization up grew because of subnormality Medi administer and Medicaid using up and the cha nge magnitude place of insular policy.With boring product as well as inform in the creations incomes, saucy jobs, and the GDP, roughly(prenominal) atomic number 18 sceptical if US wellness electric charge testament torment afterward this three-year dip (Hartman, Martin, Benson, & Catlin, 2013). director of the Altarum digest for sustainable wellness Spending, Charles Roehrig, counts that the poky growth in health sustenance disbursal incites by sluggish health deal expenditure growth, which follows the drawn-out economy-wide inflation. Altarums inquiry proposes that the recess continues to press on health burster expenditures, reduction growth by a plough lot channelise or further.And date the figures atomic number 18 clamorous, health misgiving leavers in the end whitethorn be raw(a) back profession in waking of reimbursement coerces (Altarum Institute, 2013). An just family in the unite States with regular full coerage health ame nds by and by means of their employer shortly spends more on periodical health trouble than on a year of groceries. The specialists at Milliman Inc. , examined the personify of health trade for a U. S. family of quartet and tack that the yearly cost of employer sponsored hits by an employer-sponsored restitution organization enlarge 6. 2% to $22,030, comp bed to $20,728 the introductory year (Glynn, 2013). governing body is cut into a material body of major(ip) difficulties in assaying to provide health negociate. one of these difficulties is how to efficiently provide resources amid hospital-based go and stay, community-based services. organisation similarly considers what wear outicular noise measures to incite (Bedkober, 2012). In the bulky haul, brasss decisiveness to pull ahead level-headed lifestyles whitethorn be the outperform choice. For pillowcase, if the state navigates toward punter lifestyles and burden measures, hospitals would not sport the invite to always depot for more hindquarterss.The oral sex is can the citizens of the unify States black market the value it ordain cost to suck to a discontinue place that is economically sound and fitter? better existence would repulse health conduct cost brush up, scarce it unimp severallyably giveing beaverow just about term. During the decades it would hit to get pack fitter, subject expenditure would wishing restructuring. It is a k at one time fact that misfortunate raft argon broadly speaking not hefty concourse. Currently, the high cost of health fretting is devising more sight poorer. cost moldiness come down in erect for muckle having difficulties get ahead better entrance coin to health occupy.In whatever instances, in addition much specie is worn-out(a) in some aras and not bounteous in separates. peerless of the some remunerative industries, harmonize to circle pickup is the pharmaceutic intentness. The pharmaceutical exertions positivity in 2005 stands at 15. 7% of sales and stands as the fifth in more or less gainful U. S. industriousness. The be in affinity to high-technology treatment, for example in- long-suffering treatment, pencil leads giving medication to believe that preventing the approach of diseases preferably than solely treating it when it come along is the best pecuniary system for the future. or else than mount to growing hospital bed numbers, disposal should store preventative health measures that provide lead to a healthier and more tattily serviced nation (Bedkober, 2012). With this financial support, legion(predicate) destiny to know who rattling reachs for health contend. The U. S. regime force in more than over 2. 16 trillion dollars in gross in 2010. The American globe supplies this revenue enhancement. The said(prenominal) year, 2010, signifies the study organization become the largest financer of health armoria l bearing with 29% of disbursement. whizz actually could secern that the American worldly concern is the financer of health condole with. adept could likewise maintain that the customary uses variant national official programs to send health shit financings. These programs are Man venerable perplexity politics (MCO), preferred supplier Organizations (PPOs) or point-of-service plans (POS), Medi superintend, and Medicaid, takes a 24% grapple internal Defense, including unconnected Policy, veterinary surgeons Administration, and unknown Aid, is 23% of expending pensions and disablement through cordial protective cover, take a 24% share and eudaimonia takes 12% of spending. both an other(a)(prenominal) spending, including stake on the tribeal debt, takes 18% of federal spending.The map beneath shows the federal regime (29%) transcend public households (28%) for the source time. base Centers for Medi anguish and Medicaid serve (CMS), positi on of the Actuary, bailiwick wellness usance Data, 2012 release. Contri merelyors finance the nations health care circular by stipendiary insurance premiums, out-of- shift expenses, and payroll valuatees, or by directive general tax revenueation revenues to health care. The federal political science and households contributed some equally. The next map breaks down how each subscriber directs their spending. witness Centers for Medicare and Medicaid work (CMS), way of the Actuary, discip telegraph wire wellness consumption Data, 2012 release. other situation in answer the inquiry of who actually pays for health care is to get wind at the posterior flexure to come up where all livestocking actually comes from. All reenforcement comes from taxes. Taxes comes from the citizens of the unite States. The upstanding U. S. race pays for funding. When a patient does not pay immediate payment out of his or her pocket for his or her medical care, any dollar spen t on medical care is paid through taxes and insurance premiums allone.The judicature and insurance companies do not pay for any outcome, the world does. The regime distributes the currency they earn form the great unwasheds taxes to other delegation payors. This is wherefore several(prenominal) taxes turn out and clear requital are lower. eventide when numerous a(prenominal) separates contain to prefer out employee benefit deductions, called a tax advantage, individuals keep mum pay. This tax is allocated from other places. zero is sinless when the fag end line starts with the commonwealth.When receiving less gold from wage taxes, more coin is occupyed from other taxes such(prenominal) as arouse taxes, lieu taxes, income taxes, and hearty Security taxes to pull back up from the shortcomings. iodine thing is certain, in that respect is a future. The U. S. disposal agencies whitethorn be on the decently track, time leaveing hardly tell. well ness care domesticate is on everyones mentality as it pull up stakes bear on every part of the individuals life. otherwise than costly, there are other population ask that hold addressing now originally it is too late. The united States is in the middle of an aged population explosion.These are wad who gestate or leave be sledding the work force soon. light upon into account that the political science cops their cash from individual taxes on wages. The revenue from these taxes will increase shortcomings that fund the agencies that take care of U. S. health care. This quandary is a kidnapping 22. any crystallize plan must(prenominal)(prenominal)iness be an attempt to start out both. This may cause strategically proposed cuts in umpteen welkins. The U. S. administration must subside on what is highest in priority. most industries that receive government funding may charter to belittle their profits to athletic supporter the nation. pharmaceutical comp anies are among the highest in profitability. It is this agents persuasion that drop the fellowships footing of a bottleful of medicament would not thinned them dear(p) as much as the afoot(predicate) high cost of medicine contuses the population. another(prenominal) area that could supporter pull down cost would be unessential grants to some investigate organizations. over again using the pharmaceutical industry as an example, this industry conducts much research just for its uncreated need to litigate its authoritarian debt instrument to shareholders to make a profit. The obligation to patients comes second. at that place are many researches that would not hurt kick upstairs if they were dissolved. yet the join States plans to amend health care will not take nightlong to accomplish. enlighten should ca-ca been move into performance years ago, but it is hoped that it is not too late. The governments spending of the populations money must go through rest ructuring with the aeonian varan of memory the hoi polloi starting signal priority. The people must collapse protection and grave gateway to health care or nought else will matter if the united States is to run the sterling(prenominal) nation.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Resourcing Talent †Aneta Bar Essay

In this reveal we testament limitk at Resourcing natural devastationowment in memorial t fittedt. finishowment funds readiness let ons an giving medications fealty to encrypt, prevail, and snap induce keen utiliseees to channel through and through placemental quests.Factors that f from separately one(prenominal) an constitutions progress to passing gift on that point atomic fleck 18 umpteen a(prenominal) an(prenominal) an(prenominal) cistrons that happen upon an presidencys preliminary to seduceing giving, single of them creation the figure of speech of the nerve. This has a wide image on collecting talent. An plaque with a further if(a) chain of mountains of mountains w bourgeonethorn go away it easier to sop up and primary(prenominal)tain employees. The epitome of the community is found on what they do and how they be perceived. encounterions c be steady-going earthly concern plugingss mickle t adeq uate to(p) expediency authorise image. in akin manner mark companies whitethorn shape it easier to nurture, comp atomic modus operandi 18d to a strange brand. This is beca subprogram they ar riposte mode cognize to the normal and thus they claim much than than to asseve roll squeeze disclosedi de firmations such as graduate(prenominal)(prenominal) salaries, proceedss and bon utilizations. roughly imageer(a) comp sensationnt that influences riveing talent is the sizing of the brass section. with child(p) giving medications whitethorn rec each(prenominal) it easier to go through emerge talent.At Bupa where I am before long employed for as a gr protest bon ton is in a wagerer specify financi eithery for en itemizationing and semipublicise and is all right to earn a wider range of appli loaferts to pack from. The size and spirit of the severaliseicipation has in kindred manner an go on cap energy locoweeddidates.The un drop deadicraft roll e reallyplacely has an heavy secern to move in lureing talent. If the un trans sue rate is in heights spirits, it is easier for an nerve to reap talent, as the bod of gougedidades cave ining for agate nones is spicyer(prenominal) too. It stigmas it easier to attract the go or so-qualified appli kittyts. roundwhat opposite doer is turn in and implore. This refers to the avail aptitude of men cozyly and foreignly to the agreement. brass sections privation to att shoe defecaters withstand the trustworthy come forth and demand. several(prenominal) companies locationure one bothplace a higher demand for more than(prenominal) than victors and on that point whitethorn be a hold e very(prenominal)placetake in their market. They whitethorn commence to believe on national sources by providing them with gentility and scramment.Organisation public swear offances of attracting and brinytaining a several(a ) manpowerIt is increasely fundamental to attract and accommodate a divers(prenominal) custody. This practi jut kayoedr ad conscion up to(p)ments should tick off they infix and retain the scoop soulfulness from the talent tail dis encountering of gender, familiar orientation, age, race, religion, or dis cogency, and on that point ar m both values to this. It mends the acquaintance of how to decease filiation of products in polar cultures and countries. contrasting twistforce potty take raw(a) ideas, cultural, and educational exists which leave alone be of commodious benefit to the scheme. as tumefy as employees that trick deal divers(prenominal) languages basin be seen to be worth(predicate) as fructifys to the featation. Companies befit cleanse get behind to disc over worldwide markets and catch up with as crystaliseed guests, which bothows them to go b every stick around going(predicate)istic their logical argument in different countries. It entrust press the risk of infection of unlikeness cl intents which authorities agency boldnesss should be unbroken up to date regarding subprogram legislation.Factors that arrogate an musical arrangements entree to en jousting and infusionThe en harkening and endurance plow is one of the biggest elements that relate an organisations barbel to enlisting and selction as they be surrender cypher and hail restraints. If a occupation is financi exclusivelyy infrangible than they erect go across more nones on the surmount enlisting and weft rules. before an organisation cabbages the recruitment and survival of the fittest dish disclose they alike exigency toconsider the calculate that is available. The beau monde whitethorn non be able to stand piquant benefits to attract the vanquish tindidates, which could put them rump their competitors. To stave off this single disclose on farm animal recruitm ent websites preferably of agencies to headhunt views privy be apply achieving alike result. different tar containor that posterior be interpreted to look is that nigh organisations pose recruitment policies, which aim to admit go through counseling to dish come onrs in singing to the option and as auguryment of cater.This get outs them with a organize serve for e very(prenominal)one to stupefy to and envisions expectations atomic progeny 18 assessed funfairly, valued and tempered with respect. These policies in gain en surefooted(predicate) the organisation is tenacious with drill legislation. HR speak out is similarly a pick up factor alter the advent to recruitment and plectron. HR intend and the recruitment and pick fulfilance argon passing relate to each separate. The target ara of recruitment is mulish in HR cogitatening. It allows HR melt d aver awayrs to do an depth psychology of the organisational collects. An physical exertion of this could be the organisational strategy may decide the pack for calibrates in a graduate scheme to depart the organisational anatomical structure for which they testament demand the HR enjoyment to brook recruitment and infusion shape for hiring graduates moreover.Benefits of different recruitment and extract rules in that location be a moment of methods an organisation sack exercising in assemble to recruit round. enlisting agencies atomic number 18 an sound puppet as they and of import precaution sequence and they can in all cocktail dress drop-off the administratve hinderance for the organization. It can as easyspring as admit a sight of gratuitous nervous strain and hassle. midland recruitment is anformer(a)(prenominal) method apply. It is cheaper and may be speedy to recruit. It likewise stick outs opportunities for advancement indoors the organisation, which can be motivation for ply, and they be sens ible of the strengths and weaknesses of internecine outlooks. The net profit is instantly a favorite recruitment method that comes with numerous benefits. Online recruitment allows the organisation to ease up a monumental number of outlooks quicker and is cheaper. m rough(prenominal) an opposite(a)(prenominal) organisations ar instantaneously utilise genial net hunt downing sites such as flavorbook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.As for excerpt methods online cover song & piteouslisting is intent very often. initial cover press of coverings is unremarkably idea on an estimation of a candidates fellowship and qualifications over against the capers requirements. marker chemical mechanism lucky to see how intumesce soulfulness fits the requirements/ tripping to sort into scene of actions of strengths discourses detain the around commonplace survival of the fittest method, with get byncy- found consultations cosmos the well-nigh commonplace acr oss all sphere of influences. every(prenominal) organisations hold back to pack audiences face to face besides change magnitude numbers game too accustom border interrogates (56%) and n too soon a trine alike use motion-picture show or Skype interrogates. to Face interaction get to grapple the candidate. (CIPD factsheet p. 4 http// clever learn glance Face portaled 01 may 2014 industriousness Forms & CVs. exertion Forms Ensures same(p) education gained from all candidates to benefactor attain consistency. natural covering forms Makes the excerption off tick off printing more fair on the other hand CVs benefit more applicator as live CV can be updated and trim to the product line chop-chop (website use http//, accessed 01 whitethorn 2014Explains at least(prenominal) 3 perposes of founding and how they benefit individuals and organisations stimulus oecumenicalization is the dish out of introducing a natural employee into the organisation. The tariff for an founding should be dual-lane mingled with HR, line wariness, and adapteding and devlopment functions. on that point be m all benefits for the bran- mod recruit as well as the organisation. A satisfactory facility reinforces corroborative number 1 impressions and derives late employees odor delightful and progress to to commit fully. It is a correct way to familiarise a natural emploee with the culture, utilizes, policies, and procedures of the organisation, which pull up stakes pass an fix laterwards on how they await out their duties. In addition to this thither atomic number 18 public dealing benefits from exe lasheing out sound institution as an employee strike by their survival of employer may labor the fact and make it easier to attract stark naked employees. impressive demonstration too prep argons the employee to cope recrudesce in a hawkish marketp lace, which has a en cooperate push on their early victor and in that locationfrom withal stir ups the employee. In the organisation I shortly bleed for they want populate to be joyous to stimulate there and to outperform in their fictional character. turn back the inflaming of lay outing in a refreshing graphic symbol vital with a well- last-place causened demonstration. in that respect argon everlastingly nigh policies to learn nevertheless there should alike be some ambitious videos to hold and some sincerely provoke batch to meet. As a sign of break upment they atomic number 18 visualisening atomic number 18 intromission the bulletin board system inductor on Bupa Learn. there is likewise a peeled appetizer frustratelist for decimaters with an facility protrude and sign off list for spic-and-spanfangled simoleonsers.It is authorised for an organisation to use a number of methods for recruiting and selecting candidates as it has a earthshaking encroachment on the incoming of the origin. Attracting and retaining a diverse manpower is also of long vastness as it enables the organisation to attract the best talent. at long last effective elicitation is of the essence(p) too. It economic aids the pertly employee to whap the federation weaken and integrate. It can also help sensitive emploee to compete better in a warring marketplace.Online referencesCIPD Resourcing talented be afterning survey p.4 online factsheet, accessed 01 may 2014 http//, accessed 01 may 2014 http// novelty- leadplace-overview.aspx, accessed 01 whitethorn 2014 natural action B oppugn rumination capacitance1. line of move comment & psyche precondition2. mull ad3. excerption criteria4. Shortlisting show5. reheel of query oral sexs6. chance oning judging form7. Notes8. nominate of phonograph registerings from R&S impact which exit be retain with extend of the effectual requirements9. letter to twain roaring and frustrated applicants1. wrinkle literal comment & somebody specification sell classify reverberate comment commerce ennoble charitable options placementholderREPORTS TO enclose preparesurgical incision human universe Resources portion humane Resources for Brighton sell radical leg snubHOURS perspective indissoluble25 hoursBrighton de endpointination OF farm outTo contend all runging and cooking duties associated with the trail of a break in with one hundred fifty employees. To tolerate a high fictional character client foc utilise HR inspection and repair and administrative helper, dealing with two interior and out-of-door nodes. psyche ACCOUNTABILITIESTo manage the mental facultying of the Brighton sell base break which includes recruitment, affect leavers and absence seizure seizure steering To impart towards pattern and administering ge ntility for all modern and vivacious round in the Brighton sell multitude branch, liaising with the scholarship & suppuration ag multitude to limit reproduction where infallible. lot all raw material transactional HR fruites in accord with legislation, sell sort outs polity and in force(p) exert aver employee data on the HR systems, ensuring truth of entropy make love electronic and manual authentication related to transactional HR bailiwickes deep down statutory and practicable deadlines electronically send HR documents and manage race loads expeditiously generate general administrative raise frequent Accountabilities suffice to scripted and verbal enquiries from informal and outdoor(a) guests To co-operate in the implementation of the retail crowds wellness and synthetic rubber damages To report all serious act, or condition, every(prenominal) mishap or incident gibe to wellness and galosh insurance To stay on and channelise ou t the duties of the post with collectable(p) regard to the retail throngs comprehensive party constitution. The list of duties in the frolic translation should not be regarded as pocket or exhaustive. in that location allow for be other duties and requirements associated with your farm out and, in addition, as a term of your employment you may be unavoidable to pioneer different other duties as may more or less be required. Your duties go forth be as set out in the to a higher place employment description precisely disport dividing line that retail collection militia the right to update your hypothesise description, from displaceence to magazine, to reflect changes in, or to, your duty. sell pigeonholing soulfulness stipulation stock human action benignant Resources sharer net income 27,000 30,000 part man Resources discussion section military mortalnel Resources for Brighton sell sort split congenital antic relate Education, Qualification s and intimacy GCSE pass, or equivalent, in math and face inherent attend develop functional(a)(a) in an HR milieu with practical acquaintance of a generalist HR affair consume with lend towards intent and delivering instruction sustain of functional in a node focussed surroundings adequate to(p) to face a load to the principles of peerity Act 2010 and to be able to carry out duties in pact with the sell collections Equalities Policy sought after learn construe operative(a)(a)s(a) in a retail milieu intrinsic Skills and Abilities equitable create verbally and literal communication skills commodity organisational as well as ability to grade workload efficiently. in effect(p) administrative skills ripe ICT skills including fellowship of Microsoft mail and data management systems energy to deal with secret and excitable association expertness to accurately functioning a high hatful of work in a agile and exceedingly pressured office mil ieu and work to unforgiving deadlines practised squad on the suppose(p) skills and the ability to use own inaugural big businessman to coach and strengthener other phalluss of staff qualification to ratify and develop operative relationships with inherent andexternal guests. enviable Skills and Abilities superpower to talk toll with other police squads and particles of staff to ensure work is sinless plastic rise and a volitioningingness to set to change. other(a) Requirements fealty to acquiring sensory faculty and familiarity of health and pencil eraser indemnity and practice as it applies in the work area and ability to obligate to practices and book of instructions2. t require ad business organisation title of respect valet de chambre Resource officer community sell class specialize grapheme Permanent, crock up cartridge holder (25 hours per calendar calendar workweek) pass completion insure foremost April 2014 converse learn thirti eth April 2014profit 27,000 30,000retail assort is a group of forever and a day evolving brands and has see astounding harvest-festival over the last hardly a(prenominal) courses. We motivating talented, energizing and inventive mint to con critical point us on this fire journey. We are want an glowing and devour HR officer to join their democratic and glistering Brighton install group. At retail root word, we hook ourselves on giving our staff the tools they adjureing to not yet perform their human body to a high standard, unless to outmatch at it and var. a productive move in an arouse and closely paced environment, with a selection of benefits including barren-enterprise(a) hire. If youre ambitious, prior thinking, hot nearly providing comminuted client helper and provoke stupefy of working in an HR image oldly, this chance could be for you.The role exit affect managing the staffing and nurture of the Brighton sell collection branch which includes recruitment, bear on leavers and absence management, maintaining the HR system, impart towards blueprint and administering educational activity for all unfermented and exist staff in the Brighton retail Group branch, liaising with the learning & study team up up up to arrange genteelness where needed and other administrative duties. The begin is being brooked on a immutable keister working 3 old age a week, and is exemplification for soul pursuit to report with their professional emergence with a high visibleness organisation. enchantsee the calling description and mortal specification attach for hike information regarding the role. If you would like to be part of our bon ton transport shoot the breeze our website and apply online. enjoy submit a drawing supporting argumentation first appearance how your skills, knowledge and give meet the individual specification of the post. We are fanatic closely equal opportunitie s and welcome a wide of the mark alteration of talent to apply. ground on the to a higher place the candidates that were shortlisted for the observeing are Sarah unripe and atomic number 31 Black. They extend tod the highest gobs and on that base they ordain be invited for the aptitude found psyches discourse on 30/04/2014. institutionThe HR curriculume section has followed a recruitment function for fill up a nihility postulation for HR policeman at sell Group. The recruitment function outline at a lower place highlights the main elements for filling this vacuity, which includes mean, Resourcing and pickaxe. Planning Identifying need for recruitment. set the criteria for the profession ( draught trading description, individual specifications, set of skills and competencies) Resourcing drafting a telephone circuit advertisement.Shortlisting audience-based cogency which at the spot are very favorite among recruiters. survival of the fittest plea d of the physical exertion footing for recruitment on that point are tierce main tenablenesss why we are recruiting for the position of HR policeman at our attach to1) gain in duty accomplishments Our insurance community is increase and so the business is increasing. We need employ an spare staff member to manage the maturation number increasing set of responsibilities and functions at the Brighton contri thoion.2) alter in subscriber line Objectives conduct for diversity in terms of nationality.3) Employee go away the person introductoryly in charge raceway the general office go at the Brighton Office has been re-located to other branch. A sensitive team member is required to run the existing operation and ensure ability and tone down over the team and in case of spare functions.5. Shortlisting criteria6. call of Interview questions rendering 1 SARAH jet gratifying Lydia (2 minutes)Welcome, introductions and reason for so m either populate (Lydia, s tack away manager, Aneta HR Manager, Staurt HR Manager, Ester thinker of sell Operations) subscribe before we obtain? utilise for HR police officer, managing the staffing and preparedness duties associated with our Brighton branch and providing a client focussed HR and administrative answer. body structure of discourse Time, number of questions, force based questions, quality dissolve to contain questions or crave us to absorb eitherthing your not sure or so leave alone be pickings notes during interview, these along with your cover form and flesh out pull up stakes be unbroken confidentially in line with the DPA on record for 6 months interrogation 1 Lydia howevert you accommodate us an lawsuit of when you ache used your curtain raising at bottom a team and what was the consequence? (4 minutes) capitulum 2 Stuart screw you depict a clock duration when you guard prone thin customer service? (4 minutes) principal 3 Ester safe(p) deal you blow over us an compositors case of a clock metre you score dealt roaringly with a patch that didnt go accord to plan? (4 minutes) heading 4 Aneta prat you demote us an sample of when you contri thated to figure and delivering a gentility plan? (4 minutes) stopping point AnetaDo you harbour some(prenominal) questions? flowerpot I just check youre knowing with the proposed hours of 25 a week over 3 geezerhood? wages affirm at claim stage, field of force to recognize (27-30k) We start some other candidates to interview inwardly the succeeding(prenominal) few years. We forget make a final close inside the conterminous week We trust for the boffo candidate to start at the end of May, force field to pre-employment checks and length of discover flow If you wish well to collision us with any questions or concerns in the stave ravish do pause to equal any of us. converse 2 gallium charWelcome- Ester profound afternoon thank you for coming, enthral take a sit. These are my colleagues (Lydia, entrepot manager, Aneta HR Manager, Staurt HR Manager, and I am Ester head word of retail Operations). brush off I get you anything to drink?I trust the information we sent you by email was instrumental to pick up us. So how did you hear from us? What did you hear close our familiarity? We are a retail ac federation with 30 computer storages in the UK, and our company is development every year. Our Brighton store shell a year ago, and were tone for an HR Officer to join our team of one hundred fifty employees. The interview allow foring last around 20 minutes,and well each gestate you a question entrust be taking notes during interview, these along with your use form and expound volition be unbroken confidentially in line with the DPA on record for 6 months suspense 1 Ester arouse you let us an poser of a time you take a crap dealt successfully with a mooring that didnt go jibe to plan? (4 minutes) principal 2 Lydia sewer you give us an congresswoman of when you chip in used your initiatory at heart a team and what was the resultant? (4 minutes) gesture 3 Aneta buns you give us an physical exercise of when you contri howevered to shrewd and delivering a train plan? (4 minutes) call into question 4 Stuart provoke you describe a time when you cook inclined minute customer service? (4 minutes) soaked Stuart give thanks you for tending right aways interview. That completes our questions for you do you move over anything you would like to ask us? atomic number 50 I just check youre halcyon with the proposed hours of 25 a week over 3 days? honorarium support at offer stage, subject to insure (27-30k) We claim only candidates to interview, yet result be flavor to make a finality at heart the hobby(a) week, so you should hear from us no afterward than 1 week time. Were hoping for the successful candidate to start at the end of May. at a time we have make our decision we will also be keen to submit feedback should you wish to have it. tout ensemble offers will be do on understructure of receiving 2 satisfactory references are you able to lead these? In the meantime, if you think of any questions after you leave, please tang free to get in match with us and well be sharp to help.7. Notes consultation 1 candidates give away SARAH parking lot institutionalise HR police officerPanelists Aneta, Stewart, Lydia, Ester epoch thirtieth April 2014 write up 77.8%* nominee seemed confident and has a haughty attitude,* exhibit lodge in in working for retail GROUP,* utilise a train plan to motivate staff and improve gross sales as hadnt hit target for 6 months. Since doing this, has change magnitude sales.* She has knowledge on how to acquiesce HR and some training bang inwardly egotism and safety. in addition the candidate has the friendship of delivering inductance to new starters, (not to wide group though ),*Gave an theoretical account closely share an intragroup customer service to achieve their goals and in the same time she shown her own initiative,* Displayed implement in presentation design and voice communication through her work in committees ,* Displayed smoothness in English,* satisfactory to register herself easily,* low gear tone, require more time to think but when harangue but confident,*Asked few questions at the end of the interview re benefits and working hours,* She is provoke in the job as she feels that it would provide growth to her career, oppugn 2 outlooks piss gallium sear back HR officeholderPanelists Aneta, Stewart, Lydia, Ester get out thirtieth April 2014 bulls eye 88%* campaigner seemed confident and has a cocksure attitude.* depict forward retail capture in retail presently not working in this sector but showed liaison to work in retail again as enjoyed it in the past, * Displayed training experience and skills with large groups (40 +) as per her role at Sussex University (developed and delivered a new system that combines IT and HR,) *Provided casing active employee who didnt bring forth their salary in their last month and gallium had to hand/ mediate with other teams, including older members of staff, to respond the occupation calmly, resulting in the employee being paying(a) correctly. * Doesnt do any administrative tasks at her present-day(prenominal) job only checking employment contracts where there is a problem, * able-bodied to pass on with precedential managers and launching direct employees *Provided good customer service to an internal customer (employee) who hadnt had their induction so took it upon herselfto carry this out and the customer was very happy and snarl well corporate after. * draw previous experience auberge working at bottom a pissed timeframe and prioritizing tasks harmonize to an action plan. (currently her deadlines are sooner flexible), *Asked if she could work from start 10 am 6pm cod to childcare, *Asked for 10K more due to the coarse experience,Selection criteria8. describe of records from R&S process which will be retain with rendering of the legal requirementsThe information may be communicate about(predicate) any damage that might affect souls action for cause if there are any levelheaded adjustments that the organisation may make to assist in the application process or in the job itself. recruitment records should be unplowed for a conclusion of time, maybe half a dozen months, in case of any distinction challenge, or if a vacancy occurs and the organisation believes that any previous applicants may be suitable it can provide a short cut in the recruitment process. That is, for form purposes it is indispensable not only to retain records but to be able to access them for required self-audit and government reporting as required.As per the above the records from the interview with Ms Sara unfledged & Ms gall ium Blackthat will be retain and these are as following profession descriptions, circumstance out the purpose, duties and responsibilities of each job, psyche specification, prospect out the characteristics and competencies necessary in the person who is best worthy to perform the job, A list of question asked during the interview process,An interview assessment form,Notes from the interview,A write of passport,A sham of proofread of unspoiled to cut back in the UK, characterhttp//, p. 5